Richard Stallman inspects my computer

9 08 2008

………well virtually anyway, via the terminal.

This is a cool little script which when run, will show you the non-free Linux packages that you have installed. Saves you having to email the contents of your drive to Richard Matthew Stallman.

sudo aptitude update

sudo aptitude install vrms

Here is my Ubuntu Hardy Heron output:

huxterby@ubuhh:~$ vrms
Non-free packages installed on ubuhh

human-icon-theme          Human Icon theme
linux-generic             Complete Generic Linux kernel
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules on x86/x86_64
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules helper script
linux-restricted-modules- Restricted Linux modules for generic kernels
nvidia-glx-new            NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org ‘new’ driver
sun-java6-bin             Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-jre             Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-plugin          The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6
tangerine-icon-theme      Tangerine Icon theme
unrar                     Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
Reason: Modifications problematic

12 non-free packages, 1.0% of 1161 installed packages.

Wicd Linux Network Manager Replacement

6 08 2008

I chose to use Wicd as I was having problems connecting with Debian, Ubuntu, Dreamlinux and Fedora.

From the Wicd Sourceforge site:

  1. No Gnome dependencies (although it does require GTK), so it is easy to use in XFCE, Fluxbox, Openbox, Enlightenment, etc.
  2. Ability to connect to wired and wireless networks
  3. Profiles for each wireless network and wired network
  4. Many encryption schemes, some of which include WEP/WPA/WPA2 (and you can add your own)
  5. Remains compatible with wireless-tools
  6. Tray icon showing network activity and signal strength

So if you have problems with Network-Manager and NmApplet, try wicd, it worked better for me with wep and wpa wireless connections.
